

I just discovered goanimate.com and am instantly entertained.  My wife have both been creating animated cartoons and giggling like school kids.  Goanimate.com allows you to use characters and backgrounds to create animated cartoons.  You can add your voice and alter it, you can use thought bubbles, you can create your own characters, their costumes, and add your own photos as the stage.  It allows you to add movement, facial expressions, and props.  You can create it all by scratch and use your own creativity, or you can use everything that is already there to make your cartoon. The characters are great, the tutorials are very clear, the backgrounds are diverse.

Although I do not have access to computers to work with students on projects like this, I think that this will be a great tool to pass along to our technology teacher.  We can collaborate on themes I am working on in character education and anti-violence curricula.  It would be a great intervention to have kids create cartoons to depict friendship skills, problem solving skills, or school skills in general.  As an intervention for my AR project, I can encourage our tech teacher to have kids create cartoons depicting bullying situations and how the victim and bystanders combat the situations.    

In my general practice, this tool is going to be lots of fun and a new way to get my points across during classroom guidance lessons.  I can create examples and have the characters role play using skills that the kids are working on, even asking particular students in the class questions coming from the characters...I think they would respond really well to this tool, and be excited to create their own.

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